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Friday, 3 June 2022

William Ruto for President chosen Gachagua as a running mate with the UDA

William Ruto is running for President and the topic of contention is if he will win and recently there have been elections in Australia and Lebanon and in a few days Kenya will be holding its elections with several Kenyan seeking civic seats in numerous capacities whether it is MCA SENATOR WOMEN REPRESENTATIVE PRESIDENT GOVERNOR.
He has proven himself having worked with Raila before in the Pentagon and also having worked with the President Uhuru Kenyatta under Uhuruto.
He was the first Deputy President to occupy the residence in Karen that was to be for that particular purpose and also has had a number of political parties URP and UDA and has tirelessly fought for the rights of Kenyan with the bottom up model and the Hustlers narrative he tries to see if he will be able to Garner enough support to win the Presidency.

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